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The ACSD Wastewater Treatment Facility has its own Laboratory Services Division staffed by a chemist and a biologist. Our State Certified Drinking Water Laboratory can run bacterialogical tests (total coliform–presumptive and confirmative) on your drinking water to check for contamination. Services require a fee.  

In addition, the lab can run many other common tests such as BOD, pH, ammonia nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, fecal coliform, total suspended solids and hardness. What we cannot run, we refer to outside laboratories. If you have a question regarding testing, please contact Dave Farrell (below).

Your water sample must be collected using a specific container obtained from the District Admin office or the Lab. Use only the bottle issued for taking samples.

For samples from faucet, remove aerator or screen, heat flame end of faucet then allow water to run freely for two minutes before taking the sample. For well samples, pump well for 5 minutes prior to taking sample.

Sample bottles contain a preservative. Do NOT rinse. Fill bottle within an inch of top, replace lid at once being careful not to touch inside of lid or bottle.

Do not collect samples from a swinging faucet nor from one with an aerator or strainer in place.


Phone Contact: Dave Farrell  970.429.5430

For more information or requests. please use the form below.


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