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Building Permits

We work with both permitting agencies - City of Aspen and Pitkin County

If you will be applying for a building permit the best first step is to contact the relevant permitting agency and begin the process with them.  

  • If your building permit is within the City of Aspen there is an online portal that you will enter all relavant data into and we have the ability to see that data alongside of all of the other reviewers. The City of Aspen will walk you through this process.
  • If your building is in the Pitkin County juristiction, Pitkin County will ask for a Sanitation sign off.

This is how to get a Sanitation sign off with Pitkin County:

  • We will need to know the scope of the project (ex: is it a demo/rebuild or a remodel of existing)
  •  We will need the existing and proposed plans sent as a pdf.

We will access our existing fixture-count records for your property to determine if your proposed plans will be more of a demand on our system.

  • If so, we will generate an invoice and once that is paid we will send a receipt that you can provide to Pitkin County to show our sign off on this portion of your project.
  •  If we determine that there will be no more demand on our system we will send a receipt that you can provide to Pitkin County to show our sign off on this portion of your project.



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